FAQs A| Applicants of other Nationalities
FAQ'S - International Student Statute
The concept of International Student is regulated in Order NR/R/0105/2019 International Student Status.
You are an international student if you fulfil the following categories:
- Do not have Portuguese or European Union citizenship;
- Are not a family member (child, spouse or partner) of Portuguese nationals or citizens of an European Union country;
- Have not been legally residing in Portugal for more than two years, on January 1st of the year of application, without interruption, nor are you the child, spouse or partner of a person in this situation;
- Are not a beneficiary, on January 1st of the year of application, of the equal rights and duties status, granted under international treaty signed between the Portuguese State and the State of which you are a national.
To prove that you meet the above requirements, you must sign a Declaration on your honor that you are an eligible candidate as an "international student" and attach it to the application file.
No. If you have Portuguese citizenship or have nationality of any other country of the European Union you will have to apply via the General Regime.
No, even if you decide to take the national exams in Portugal.
International students will maintain their international student statute until the end of the study cycle in which they initially enrolled, except for students who acquire the nationality of a state member of the European Union after enrolling. In this case, the termination of international student statute takes effect in the academic year following the date of proof of acquisition of nationality.