FAQS 6 | Application Payment

6. Application Payment

Check the annual table of tuitions, rates, and fees here. The application fee is not refundable.

If you have a Portuguese bank account, the payment must be done with an ATM reference generated for each selected Faculty.

If you do not have a Portuguese bank account, you need to send an email to tesouraria.sede@ucp.pt, indicating the application number and full name to obtain the IBAN of the UCP account and then make a bank transfer.

The application fee is charged per Academic Unit. If the programmes you choose are all from the same Academic Unit, you only pay one application fee.

No. Please see the Academic Units’ websites for future admissions periods.

You should send the proof of payment to tesouraria.sede@ucp.pt, indicating your applicant number and full name, and explaining your situation for assessment.

For most programmes, you can check your receipts here.

For applications to Católica-Lisbon international undergraduate programmes, contact ug.admissions.clsbe@ucp.pt

For the integrated Master’s in medicine, contact medicina.fm@ucp.pt

Should you have any questions, contact us via  tesouraria.sede@ucp.pt.

No, applications are independent for each campus. When you start the application process, you choose in the first step the campus you want to apply for.

Your application will only be considered after you pay the application fee.

If the application fee is not paid on time, your application will not be considered, and your name will not appear in the results.