Integrated Masters
Some programmes, such as Theology and Medicine, have a structure composed of two integrated levels (1st cycle and 2nd cycle). The integrated cycle comprises a set of curricular units, the drafting and defense of a thesis or a project or a traineeship report at the end of the programme. After completing the integrated master's degree, with a normal duration of 10 semesters, conferring 300 ECTS credits, the students receive the master's degree and are considered professionally qualified for the exercise of the profession.
The programmes taught by UCP and the degrees granted (undergraduate, masters and doctoral degree) have the same value and produce the same effects as those of the state universities (Decree-Law no. 128/90). This system is based on three study cycles and is structured by the principles of the Bologna Process, which came into operation starting in 2006/07. All Study Programmes taught at Universidade Católica Portuguesa are accredited by "Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior" (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education - A3ES) and duly registered on “Direção Geral do Ensino Superior” (Directorate General for Higher Education). (see more information here).