FAQS 10 | Scholarships
10. Scholarships
Yes. Católica offers social support according to social and financial situations, which consists of a reduction of the tuition fee. For more information about Social Support, you can contact the Social Responsibility Office at grs.sede@ucp.pt
In addition, the Social Responsibility Office ensures the whole assessment process of the application to the Direção Geral do Ensino Superior Scholarship (DGES).
Students can apply for social support from Católica once they have enrolled. The application is made in September for first-year students and in May/June for students in other years. The application must be renewed annually.
The GRS provides the application form and the Social Support Regulation.
Yes. The application for Católica’ s social support can only be made after enrolment and, since it is a reduction of the tuition fee, it never includes application, registration / enrolment, or other fees.
As a rule, tuition fees are paid until the support decision.
You should check the information available on the DGES website.
You can do a simulation at Simulador Bolsa (dges.gov.pt)
If you have any questions, please contact the Social Responsibility Office at grs.sede@ucp.pt
Yes. The DGES Scholarship consists of an amount transferred directly to the student, so the payment of the application, enrolment and tuition fees must be made within the regulatory deadlines.
No. If you are awarded a DGES scholarship when you are already receiving Católica’s social support, you will no longer receive Católica’s social support.
For further information, you may contact the Social Responsibility Office at grs.sede@ucp.pt.