
maternidade, recolha de bens
Women's Day | Baby Products Collection Campaign
In the week that marks International Women's Day, HeforShe UCP Lisboa and the Social Responsibility Office are organising a campaign to collect baby products from 10 to 12 March. Help this cause.
The media as a welcoming mechanism: Young refugees visit Católica for an integration experience
On 24 February, young refugees accompanied by Aldeias SOS visited the headquarters of the Universidade Católica. Read more.
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Católica students create innovative solutions to real challenges
The Impact Career Lab, held on 10 and 13 February, brought together students from Universidade Católica Portuguesa and social organisations - including the Galp Foundation, EDP and Lisbon Project - to work on creative solutions to real challenges facing society. Find out more.
Applications open for 2nd semester of Project VIDA volunteering
Applications for the 2nd semester of Project VIDA - Volunteering at Católica are now open to the entire Universidade Católica community. Find out more and apply by 19 February.
Basic Life Support workshop trains the CAIS Association community
On 14 January, the Universidade Católica's Capacitar para Salvar Project held a workshop at the CAIS Association in Lisbon, training 26 participants in Basic Life Support. Find out more about this partnership.
Católica involves academic community in Christmas charity drive
The 2024 Christmas Campaign involved 51 volunteers, united by solidarity. In all, the community at Católica's headquarters in Lisbon dedicated 229 hours to three social support institutions: Apoio à Vida, CASA and Irmãs de S. Vicente de Paulo. Find out all about this impactful experience.
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Strengthening Communities: Collaboration between the Católica Library and the Lisbon Project
As part of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa's Social Responsibility strategy, the João Paulo II University Library has begun collaborating with the Lisbon Project, one of the partner organisations in the VIDA - Volunteering at Católica programme. Find out more.
Campanha Solidária Natal 2024 - Notícia
Católica's Christmas Solidarity Campaign calls for the ‘Joy of Giving’
From November 28 to December 18, Católica's academic community is again coming together to support dozens of charities. Find out how you can contribute in Lisbon.
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Donate Blood, Donate Life: Universidade Católica Hosts IPST Blood Donation Campaign
The Universidade Católica Portuguesa, in partnership with the Portuguese Blood and Transplant Institute (IPST), will be holding a blood collection at its headquarters in Lisbon on 14 November. Find out more.
Mental Health Day at Católica Headquarters
World Mental Health Day, celebrated on October 10, was marked with an awareness-raising action aimed at the academic community at the Universidade Católica headquarters in Lisbon, coordinated by the Social Responsibility Office. Read more.
Pink October at UCP: Raising awareness of breast cancer prevention
Universidade Católica Portuguesa is joining the Pink October initiative, with the aim of raising awareness among its academic community about the prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer. Find out how to support this cause.
CAIS magazine on sale in the UCP stationery shop
CAIS Magazine is available from 6th September at the stationery shop of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon.