
Universidade Católica Portuguesa lança iniciativa estratégica inovadora
SDGs at UCP: Registration open for courses on the Grand Challenges for Humanity
Enrolment is now open for the Universidade Católica Portuguesa's new curricular units under the ‘SDG Chairs’ Strategic Initiative. These courses, taught online, aim to deepen the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are available to students from all UCP campuses. Find out more and enrol.
Sessão de Homenagem D. Manuel Clemente
Tribute to D. Manuel Clemente
The Universidade Católica Portuguesa is honouring D. Manuel Clemente, Patriarch Emeritus and Magno Chancellor of the university for 10 years, on 23 January. Find out more here.
Watch the video of the Universidade Católica Christmas Party
On 12 December, the Universidade Católica community gathered for a special moment of celebration: the Christmas Party at the UCP headquarters in Lisbon.
Campanha Solidária Natal 2024 - Notícia
Católica's Christmas Solidarity Campaign calls for the ‘Joy of Giving’
From November 28 to December 18, Católica's academic community is again coming together to support dozens of charities. Find out how you can contribute in Lisbon.
Bolsa Gulbenkian
Universidade Católica Portuguesa students awarded the Gulbenkian New Talents Scholarship
Chak Wa Kong, Emma Cotignola Varone and Rita Vieira are the three Católica students who won the Gulbenkian New Talents Scholarship 2024. Meet the students and find out more about this award here.
‘The role of the University and its contribution to society’ marks the opening ceremony of the academic year 24-25
‘The University implies the structural formation of the person, but also the contribution to the improvement of society and the planet.’ These were the words of the President of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Isabel Capeloa Gil, at the Opening Session of the New Academic Year 2024-2025, held on 18 October at the Cardeal Medeiros auditorium in Lisbon. Find out more here.
mobilidade, bicicletes, mobilidade sustentável
Universidade Católica promotes sustainable mobility at its headquarters
Universidade Católica Portuguesa has rehabilitated the bicycle parking area at its headquarters in Lisbon. The new, improved, more comfortable and secure space has 20 spots. Read more.
Pink October at UCP: Raising awareness of breast cancer prevention
Universidade Católica Portuguesa is joining the Pink October initiative, with the aim of raising awareness among its academic community about the prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer. Find out how to support this cause.
Simbolo Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Universidade Católica closes for vacations
The headquarters of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon will be closed for the holidays. Read more...
"Alexandre Palma, patriarcado (40336)
Universidade Católica celebrates episcopal ordination of Bishop Alexandre Palma
Alexandre Palma, professor at the Faculty of Theology and Director of the Research Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at UCP, was appointed today Bishop.
New PhD in Integral Ecology at Católica inspired by Pope Francis‘ Laudato Si’
In the week that marks nine years since the publication of Pope Francis‘ encyclical Laudato Si’, UCP presented the Doctorate in Integral Ecology, emphasising that ‘fragmented knowledge is no good today.’ Find out more here.
Católica launches new PhD in Integral Ecology
During Laudato Si' week, which runs from 19 to 26 May, Católica presents the programme for the new PhD, which was inspired by Francisco's text. Learn more about the programme here.