
Coro da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Christmas concert by the Universidade Catolica Choir at St Isabel's Church
The Church of Santa Isabel in Lisbon hosted a Christmas Concert by the Choir of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa on 15 December.
"Alexandre Palma, patriarcado (40336)
Universidade Católica celebrates episcopal ordination of Bishop Alexandre Palma
Alexandre Palma, professor at the Faculty of Theology and Director of the Research Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at UCP, was appointed today Bishop.
Alexandre Palma
Alexandre Palma publishes essay on European integration
The essay On the soul and roots of European integration: purpose and metaphors by Prof Alexandre Palma has just been published in the volume The Political Economy of Europe's Future and Identity Integration in crisis mode.
Maestro Sérgio Peixoto
Sérgio Peixoto: "If we are willing to accept our differences, we can grow closer"
Conductor of the Católica Choir since 2008, Sérgio Peixoto has been passionate about music since childhood. Twelve years ago, he helped found the Mãos que Cantam (Hands that Sing) project - a choir of deaf people that will now perform at World Youth Day for the first time in its history. Read all about it here.
Concerto do Coro da UCP na Galeria Fundação Amélia de Mello
Católica celebrates the ideals of democracy through music
"Today we celebrate the ideals of Democracy through the universal language of music", words of Sérgio Peixoto, Maestro of the Choir of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, in the concert in celebration of the exhibition "The Democracy Collection: Advocacy through Art", which took place in the Amélia de Mello Foundation Gallery, on the 4th of July. Learn more about the show that was attended by the President of Católica and remember the best moments.
Concerto do coro da UCP assinala encerramento da exposição “Trono de Maria, Lugar de Sabedoria
Concert by the choir of Católica marks the closing of the exhibition ""Trono de Maria, Lugar de Sabedoria"
Por ocasião do encerramento da exposição “Trono de Maria, Lugar de Sabedoria”, a Galeria Fundação Amélia de Mello recebeu o Coro da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) para um concerto intimista, que decorreu dentro do espaço expositivo, no dia 21 de março. Saiba mais aqui.
Estudantes da Faculdade de Teologia
Studying Theology can "benefit future generations": the opinion of Luís, Amada and Paulo
Amada and Paulo are in the first year of the Theology Degree at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Both have chosen the religious life, and see the course as an "opportunity to deepen their faith". Luís, on the other hand, dreams of becoming a professor and a researcher to "deepen the dialogue between Christianity and contemporary culture". Read here the testimonies of these students
Coro - genérica
Auditions open for admission to UCP Choir
On November 4 and 12, the next auditions for admission to the Choir of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa will take place. The auditions will take place at two different times - 12.30 p.m. or 6 p.m. - in the Cardeal Medeiros Auditorium (João Paulo II University Library Building, 1st Floor).
Coro - genérica
Auditions open for admission to UCP Choir
Registration for the next auditions for admission to the Choir of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa is now open.
Coro Natal 2020
UCP choir shares Christmas video
The Choir of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa wishes the whole community a Holy Christmas, with an original song created to mark this date. "Menino Dormindo" is inspired by a poem by Pedro Homem de Melo and is a piece whose simplicity takes us to the first Christmas night.
Inscrições Abertas para as Audições do Coro da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Open Registrations for the UCP Choir Hearings
The choir of the Portuguese Catholic University is looking for new voices and will have open auditions on February 13, 2020 at 6:30pm in the Cardinal Medeiros Auditorium. The auditions are available to the whole UCP community namely to students, collaborators, teachers and researchers.